

Home Affixes Index of Breeders Ch. Show Judges K.C.Stud Book Nos. Ch.Show Records Quick Litter Links K.C.Good Citizens LCGB Working Tests Whats new? LPN & LEMP Results


To use this Stud Book, choose an Affix from the Affix page, click on this and you will then move to all dogs with that affix. These are displayed by litter : scroll down to find the dog that you want. Click on the link at the top of each litter to see the relevant pedigree. Each litter also shows the Inbreeding % on the pedigree,  calculated using Wrights Inbreeding Coefficient.

Regarding the Health Data, please note that 'Eyes Clear' means Clear of Hereditary Cataracts only. There is no UK data available to show if a dog has Entropion, Ectropion or other forms of Cataract, all of which may be Hereditary or have Familial Tendencies.
Grade Gonioscopic findings Diagnosis
0 Normal iridocorneal angle (ICA) with no/minimul pectinate ligament dysplasia (PLD) Clinically unaffected
1 1-25% of ICA affected by PLD Clinically unaffected
2 26-75% of ICA affected by PLD Clinically unaffected
3 >75% of ICA affected, and/or severe narrowing of ICA Clinically Affected

The Index of Breeders links all Breeders to their Kennel. There is also the Others page for Breeders without an affix / and the dogs they bred by name alphabetically.

Show Records are taken from Championship Shows with CCs for Leonbergers and cover Places 1 - 3, Challenge Certificates, Reserve Challenge Certificates and Best Puppy Awards.

The K.C. Stud Book Number section lists all dogs who have achieved this, together with the number of Challenge Certificates and Reserve Challenge Certificates each dog has won.

The Quick Litter Link Section shows all litters by either Sire (Stud Dog) or Dam (Brood Bitch) in alphabetical order.

All the information on this site has been collated from previously published material. If you would like your details (phone/e-mail/www) included as a Breeder please contact me.

As from 1st January 2008 all costs relating to the running of this website are being paid for by The Leonberger Club of Great Britain.

Rob Sevastopulo:-

Last updated 31/03/2025