Hart Litter 2 |
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Date of Birth : 06/10/2012 Inbreeding 2.7% |
Parents | Grandparents | Great Grandparents | Great Great Grandparents | Great Great Great Grandparents |
Debbollinby Snowberger Hips 4:3, Elb 0 |
Safiyya Spark To A Flame for
Debbollinby 3686CU Hips 4:3, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 15/10/09 |
Amathus Tann Hauser Hips 5:3, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 17/04/08 |
Cuileanmara Archimedes at
Debbollinby Hips 2:3 Eyes Clear 29/05/03 |
Manorguard Adam Hips 5:3 |
Rossnick Keepsake Hips 3:3 |
Debbollinby Juniper at Amathus Hips 4:6 |
Velvet Viking at Vannroy Hips 9:8, Elb 0 Eyes affected - HC - 06/10/03 |
Kernow Kumquat Mae for Jaybiem Hips 7:4 |
Debbollinby Aspire To Desire Hips 5:5, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 17/04/08 |
Debbollinby Koudos Hips 7:4, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 08/02/07 |
Debbollinby Viking Raider Hips 22:18, Elb 0 |
Vannroy High Society at
Debbollinby Hips 5:2, Elb 0 |
Debbollinby Acadamy Award Hips 5:5, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 12/03/03 |
Debbollinby Son of a Legend Hips 11:8, Elb 1 |
Debbollinby Hello Dolly Hips 6:6, Elb 1 |
Debbollinby Shell Seeker Hips 2:2, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 15/10/09 |
Bolelejonet Cazar for
Lionslord 1575CT Hips 4:3, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 18/06/09 |
Champion Don Alfonso HD:A |
Colby's Kaizer by Playboy HD:Fri |
Skjaergaarden's St Alhene HD:Fri |
Fabiola vom Weiltal |
Jannik v. Lowengarten HD:A2 |
Baccara v. Veldensteiner Frost | ||||
Hogswell Peaceful Hannah for
Debbollinby Hips 3:3, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 03/08/06 |
Debbollinby Highlander (Sh.
C.M.) 1124CM Hips 2:1, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 03/08/06 |
Cuileanmara Archimedes at
Debbollinby Hips 2:3 Eyes Clear 29/05/03 |
Kinghern Just a Little Dream Hips 1:3, Elb 0 |
Kinghern Peaceful Dreamer Hips 4:3, Elb 0 |
Nashdir-Narashan v. Welland of
Kinghern Hips 6:5, Elb 0 |
Kinghern Peace at Dreamstone Hips 5:5, Elb 0 |
Voodoo Lily |
Debbollinby Romeo (JW) 3583CS Hips 3:3, Elb 0 Eyes affected - HC - 04/11/10 |
Engelben Youv'e Got a Friend 0134CS Hips 2:3, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 18/03/10 |
Zelda's Blockbuster for
Vannroy Hips 4:4, Elb 0 Eyes affected - HC - 27/01/06 |
Remrod's The Christmas Song HD:A |
Zelda's Killer Queen | ||||
Manorguard Valentine at
Engelben Hips 3:3, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 17/05/04 |
Manorguard Pele at Jocolda Hips 5:5, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 05/08/07 |
Manorguard Ely of Balladine Hips 4:4, Elb 0 |
Debbollinby Manhatten 1324CS Hips 7:4, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 02/02/06 |
Debbollinby Morgan Blue at
Davenheath 1197CQ Hips 3:11, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 30/03/05 |
Debbollinby Sacred Warrior 2497CM Hips 7:14, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 31/03/06 |
Debbollinby Josefina 3804CN Hips 5:5, Elb 1 |
Debbollinby Acadamy Award Hips 5:5, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 12/03/03 |
Debbollinby Son of a Legend Hips 11:8, Elb 1 |
Debbollinby Hello Dolly Hips 6:6, Elb 1 |
Debbollinby Faiths Star Hips 6:7, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 24/07/08 |
Hogswell Hornblower for
Debbollinby Hips 4:4, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 20/04/06 |
Debbollinby Highlander (Sh.
C.M.) 1124CM Hips 2:1, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 03/08/06 |
Cuileanmara Archimedes at
Debbollinby Hips 2:3 Eyes Clear 29/05/03 |
Kinghern Just a Little Dream Hips 1:3, Elb 0 |
Kinghern Peaceful Dreamer Hips 4:3, Elb 0 |
Nashdir-Narashan v. Welland of
Kinghern Hips 6:5, Elb 0 |
Kinghern Peace at Dreamstone Hips 5:5, Elb 0 |
Debbollinby Who's That Girl Hips 8:8, Elb 0 |
Debbollinby Spirit Dancer Hips 7:6, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 15/04/10 |
Debbollinby Statesman Hips 6:8, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 06/03/03 |
Debbollinby Papa's Girl Hips 6:17, Elb 0 |
Debbollinby Covergirl Hips 6:5, Elb 0, Eyes Clear 06/03/03 |
Debbollinby Statesman Hips 6:8, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 06/03/03 |
Debbollinby Hollywood Babe Hips 7:5, Elb 0 Eyes Clear 06/03/03 |
Produced using Breeders Assistant for Dogs Pedigree Software (tel: 0870 870 7740), Professional Edition licensed to Leonberger Club of Great Britain. |